Anti Ageing Treatments

3 x anti ageing treatments that help keep you looking younger

Botox anti-wrinkle injections

Botox or anti-wrinkle injections as they are commonly known is a substance that, when injected into the muscles, can cause reduced activity in those muscles. it’s most commonly used to reduce lines and wrinkles on the skin of the face. Botox has been used for this since it’s inception in 2002 and botox treatment is now one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world

It is Estimated that 150 million units are sold annually. Botox can also be used to treat a number of other conditions such as excessive sweating (in some cases) and spasms of certain organs

Botox anti wrinkle injections

How do facial PDO threads work in the face?

The non-surgical thread lift treatment focuses on reducing or eliminating the signs of ageing using PDO thread placements. The threads are pulled to attain the effect of a facelift. It helps in repositioning the skin tissues. As a result, the neck and face regain their youthful appearance.

The thread lifts procedure utilises PDO sutures, which is an absorbable polymer. The PDO, polydioxanone, is durable and flexible, making it ideal for the thread lift treatment.

Anti ageing treatments

What is Plamere plasma treatment and how does it reduce wrinkles?

Plamere is a form of cold plasma therapy that activates skin cells to produce youthful-looking skin and can reduce wrinkles. the process involves two steps: damage control and rejuvenation. damage control reduces inflammation, tightness, redness, and puffiness through the use of vitamins a and e, antioxidants, amino acids, antioxidants (including retinol), natural peptides. rejuvenation aims to improve the appearance of aging by stimulating fibroblasts to produce collagen; improving blood flow; reducing oxidative stress; increasing circulation and oxygen levels in the skin; promoting healthy cell turnover.

Plamere plasma

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